Gateway activity logs show the individual DNS queries, Network packets, and HTTP requests inspected by Gateway. You can also download encrypted SSH command logs for sessions proxied by Gateway.
To view Gateway activity logs, log in to Zero TrustOpen external link and go to Logs > Gateway. Select an individual row to investigate the event in more detail.
Enterprise users can generate more detailed logs with Logpush.
By default, Gateway logs all events, including DNS queries and HTTP requests that are allowed and not a risk. You can choose to disable logs or only log blocked requests. To customize what type of events are recorded, log in to Zero TrustOpen external link and go to Settings > Network. Under Activity Logging, indicate your DNS, Network, and HTTP log preferences.
These settings will only apply to logs displayed in Zero Trust. Logpush data is unaffected.
Email address of the user who registered the WARP client where traffic originated from. If a non-identity on-ramp (such as a proxy endpoint) or machine-level authentication (such as a service token) was used, this value will be non_identity@<team-domain>
The Action Gateway applied to the query (such as Allow or Block).
Date and time of the DNS query.
Resolver Decision
The reason why Gateway applied a particular Action to the request. Refer to the list of resolver decisions.
Email address of the user who registered the WARP client where traffic originated from.
User ID
UUID of the user. Each unique email address in your organization will have a UUID associated with it.
Device Name
Display name of the device returned by the operating system to the WARP client. Typically this is the hostname of a device. Not all devices will have a device name. Device names are not guaranteed to be unique.
Device ID
UUID of the device connected with the WARP client. Each unique device in your organization will have a UUID associated with it each time the device is registered for a particular email. The same physical device may have multiple UUIDs associated with it.
Last authenticated
Date and time the user last authenticated their Zero Trust session.
Enhanced file detection is an optional feature to extract more file information from HTTP traffic. When enabled, Gateway will read file information from the HTTP body rather than the HTTP headers, offering greater accuracy and reliability. This feature may have a minor impact on performance for file-heavy organizations.
When a user creates an isolation policy, Gateway logs the initial request that triggers isolation as an Isolate action. Because this request is not isolated yet, the is_isolated field will return false. Zero Trust then securely returns the result to the user in an isolated browser. Gateway will log all subsequent requests in the isolated browser with the action (such as Allow or Block), and the is_isolated field will return true.